3 innovative products with a smart touch: a snack, a pasta, a gelato making system.

Che cosa ci piace del genio foodcultural italiano? Dire “l’inventiva!” è troppo facile.Perché in realtà è la re-inventiva ad attrarci, cioè quella capacità peculiare di rendere nuovamente interessante, smart, accessibile, attuale, un prodotto pre-esistente. Grazie al tocco delle nuove tecnologie. Che nel caso di Cavoloso è l’aver reso pop il recupero delle eccedenze di verdura creando snack di cavoli disidratati. Che altrimenti è la certificazione blockchain che copre la filiera della pasta 28 Pastai prodotta artigianalmente a Gragnano in formati ultra-tradizionali per una cucina ultra-vernacolare, eppure del tutto contemporanea. Che è il sistema TOOA, reinvenzione della gelatiera e dei pre-lavorati per creare gelati con ingredienti naturali e modalità sostenibili, a casa e in pochi minuti abbattendo la catena del freddo. Tre prodotti molto diversi tra loro, innovativi, meritevoli di attenzione e non solo sul nostro mercato.

We’re about to talk about an Italian vegetal snack everybody will love, a carefully crafted Italian pasta – almost a limited edition – a Italian gelato making system. Yes, we repeatedly underlined “Italian”, and with a reason.

If there is something we love of the typical Italian foodcultural genius, that’s not its very predictable and renowned ingenuity. Actually, it’s more about something as subtle as a kind of re-inventiveness, i.e. that very peculiar ability to make a pre-existing product interesting again, and to make it smart and accessible and contemporary. Thanks to a disruptive touch of technology.

The first of these products is named Cavoloso, a joyful pun between “cavolo” aka “cauliflower, cabbage” and “favoloso” i.e. “fabulous”. Which is what the product is: a fabulous 100% vegetal snack in a tasty range of flavours. Just dried vegetables, no preservatives. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, it is a smart alternative to junk food and an intelligent use of overproduction – a true no-waste option, within a circular economy and fair employment vision.

28 Pastai is an artisanal pasta brand, instead, a small manufacturer in Gragnano near Naples, who embraced a sustainability and transparency challenge without compromising tradition and quality. It resulted in a pasta that tastes like bread, is tenacious, stands up to the most demanding cooking, releases very little starch. And, most of all, this pasta and the whole process and production parameters are blockchain-certified on Authentico platform. Totally traceable. 

Oh, and the formats of this pasta need a stoytelling apart: ultra-vernacular names and shapes for eternal or innovative recipes.

Last but not least, TOOA is an innovative, patented gelato making system featuring a machine and an assortment of packs with natural ingredients ice-cream starters which does not need refrigeration. “Italian gelato in 3 minutes at your home” is the main selling proposition of this product. The system kind of eliminates the cold chain, thus saving energy and being more sustainable and eco-compatible. TOOA gelato is portioned in monodoses (this is also an educational plus) and very creamy.

Do you also see, as we at Smart Iting did, an interesting potential for bringing these innovations to other markets?