A superb, rare Made in Italy specialty: Lentisk oil

L’olio di lentisco, così raro che è poco conosciuto anche in Italia, è ricavato dalla frangitura dei piccoli frutti rossicci di Pistacia Lentiscus raccolti a mano. Un olio eroico, balsamico, ricco di sostanze benefiche. Ristincu è il nome di un olio di lentisco che abbiamo scoperto. Viene dalla Puglia, precisamente dal Salento, dove il produttore ha agito coraggiosamente. Perché valorizzando il territorio, la biodiversità, cercando un riscatto dalla xylella che affligge gli ulivi, ha scommesso su un arbusto diverso, antico e locale come il lentisco. E ha inziato a produrre questo estratto prezioso tanto in cosmesi quando in cucina. O meglio, nell’alta cucina, dove basta nebulizzarlo per ottenere una netta impressione sensoriale. Sono infiniti i nuovi pairing sono tutti da sperimentare per questo made in Italy dalle caratteristiche uniche.

Oil from Pistacia Lentiscus, a “Made in Italy” product so rare that even in Italy few people know it, is obtained pressing the small, reddish Lentisk fruits (literally, Pistacia Lentiscus, an evergreen Mediterranean shrub also found in the South of Italy and Sardinia) – which give us a heroic, balsamic oil, rich in rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, sterols and tocopherols.

Fruits can grow in hardly reachable places like and are hand-picked. 

Ristincu is the brand name of the lentisk oil we have discovered and tried for you. 

Should you wonder “Why this name?”, well, it immediately reveals the depth of the cultural, entrepreneurial project that’s behind: it’s in fact the vernacular name of the Pistacia Lentiscus tree. A sort of “remember where you come from”. A memo for the future commercial destiny of a luxurious, epicurean, epicurious good. Can you think of a more prized, desirable, exotic food gift?

This oil comes from Apulia, exactly from the much coveted, enchanting Salento area, where the producer acted boldly. And he was bold because, promoting in a sustainable way his territory, enhancing the local biodiversity and most of all in search of an intelligent release from xylella affecting olive trees, he successfully bet on a different tree, an ancient and challenging species like Pistacia Lentiscus.

The operation resulted in a valuable essence with applications in fields like cosmetics, wellness and culinary art. No surprise, then, that Ristincu is packed like a superb fragrance. 

Back to the product: from a culinary point of view, Pistacia Lentiscus oil has the potental to add incredible value to high cuisine dishes. And you dont’ need to pour oil from the bottle or to drizzle it over the finished plate. You’ll just nebulize a few seconds of fragrance to obtain a surprising sensory twist. We experienced the difference trying this oil on shrimps, raw fish, salads, fruit salads, ice creams too! 

Infinite are the unexplored pairings for this world-class oil. 

And we, Smart Iting, are here to help you appreciate and build value for you with another Sustainable, Made in Italy, Accessible, Reliable, Tasty – i.e. SMART – specialty.